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Default 10-20-2003, 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?

I'd like to see this shit.

Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.

Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.

Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.

Just as bad as cricket.

Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.
that's what I meant in my original comment, I've watched baseball a couple of times and I have to conclude that it is not a good sport to watch.
they stand around for about 10 minutes, hit a ball, some guy runs around, then they stand around for another 10 minutes, etc.

To me the most interesting bit was when the pitcher hit a low flying bird biggrin:
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