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Default 10-20-2003, 11:25 PM

Lots of good replys there , good topic. I hope I do not offend with mine.

I have always despised Vidio games , outdoor type ya know. Never owned a Nintindo , Sega , or Playstation. Always considered it a waste of time.

I was U.S. Army like my father and his and his and so on.

So serving in Germany I learned the language , and by the way Germany is an awsome place if you have never been. Apon my return to the U.S. I began collecting war memorbillia. I managed to get ahold of some WWII Nazi stuff , I was hooked! I began seeking all sorts of military historic items.

Now the transition is interesting , My wife bought the game for me for my birthday. She said " Its about WWII , you may like it." It sat on the desk for 2 weeks before I even looked at it. 3AM , couldnt sleep , decided I would pop it in and see.

If the EA guys had not spent the time to make this vidio game Historically acurate , I would have taken it back the next day and got my money back. Yet when I played it the Germans yelled at me and to each other in German , the uniforms and weapons were as I had been reserching , and.......well you get the point.

I find it very entertaining now and have even commited my time to a clan. I became adicted if you will and have even changed my college plans from Archeology to Grafics and Information Technology.

Strange what life brings us........
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