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Lt_Data1 is Offline
Posts: 32
Join Date: May 2002
Default 10-21-2003, 10:30 AM

Well, I have liked FPS games since DOOM and the original Wolfenstein, though I played neither very well, or very far. When Return to Castle Wolfenstein came out I got it and played through the entire single player in a few days and loved it. So when I saw MOH:AA, I knew I wanted it to. I bought it the day it hit the shelves in my area and worked my way through single player in a a few days and then went online. I played the objective maps up until Spearhead. Since Spearhead neglected to include any true objective maps I ended up playing mostly Team Death Match. I tried the Tug-of-War maps, but I got horrible lag on most that made them unplayable, so I stuck with TDM. Eventually I got my own server and formed a clan, mainly so I could disable rockets. The clan I was in had a server admin who called me when he wanted to do something and some days realism would be on and other days it would be off. Some days map rotation would be 5 minutes and other days it would be 30. I wanted a more stable playing environment.

I have been interested in WWII since I was a 11-12 and played Axis and Allies board game. My friends and I spent many a weekend playing that game. Too bad the computer version had the net code cobbled together from a Commodore 64 and a TRS80.

Throughout my teen years I watched war movies, such as Kelly's Hero's and the Dirty Dozen or The Great Escape. Saving Private Ryan was an amazing theatrical experience and while I think it may be entertaining to watch these movies, I am glad war is something I do not have to endure. Just this past year, I received Band of Brothers on DVD from my wife and I ended up watching all 10 episodes back to back in a marathon viewing session. This series opened my eyes more than anything I have ever seen to the horrors of war. Sometimes it was hard to realize it was just a movie...albeit one based on fact.

I bought Breakthrough and played through single player in 4-5 hours and had planned to take my server to it until I hit the no LINUX server brick wall. I cancelled my upgrade request and am awaiting Call of Duty now.
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