Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by Vance
Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by Vance
JBird, you won't win. They can't comprehend the complexness of baseball, and they never will. Just leave them wallowing in their own insolence. It's actually quite funny.[/quote
Ya whatever u say, annoy:
You see what I mean? It's funny to see them try and come back and insult something they know nothing about, so they degrade to saying stuff like ''whatever u say'' happy:
baseball = combination of cricket and rounders, no more no less. All this psychology bullshit you lot are talking about signstealers and stuff....only in america says it all imo. oOo:
Hey you, yeah you, want 3000$ a week to interpret some guy waving his hands about? Sure ....
"hey he's yet to get a sign right after 3 months, hmm better double his salery."
oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:
good god, each time you post on this thread your showing more and more of your ignorance. baseball is cricket? lmao. only a guy from ireland would try to tell me that baseball derived from cricket. happy: