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[GDC]_Polemarcus is Offline
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Default 10-23-2003, 12:12 AM

I dunno, but im not so sure that the FPS rates are true on the new Nvidia and ATI Cards to begin with. I have both the ATI 9800 pro and the FX 5900 Ultra (in 2 different systems) and they both produce equal frame rates in the range of 30 - 600. Its ridiculous. I can tell you this... when the FPS hits 30, it does not feel like 30. I've played mohaa on some PC's with onboard video that produce 30 FPS, and there is a major difference between the two.

The second reason i dont think its true is based on the FPS of call of duty. COD tells me im gettin an FPS of 10-40 with the graphics cranked. But it runs VERYYYYYYY Smooth... just like mohaa...

so, my point is this. If the graphics are bad ass, and run smoothly who gives a shit about what the fps counter says.

BTW, resolution is always set at 1600x1200
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