01-28-2002, 08:05 AM
What I had to do was setup different .CFG files for the different gametypes, and then created a separate shortcut for each gametype which calls the correct .CFG file.
So for example, I have a roundbased.cfg and an objective.cfg file. Then I have 2 shortcuts, one of them has + exec roundbased.cfg and the other has + exec objective.cfg.
The make sure you have the maplist cycle in each config based on gametype.
For roundbased I have:
sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm7"
For Obj I have:
sv_maplist "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_team4"
In a dedicated server environment, this is the fastest way to switch. Otherwise you have to change the gametype and map from the console.
Hope this helps.
[This message has been edited by Bull (edited January 28, 2002).]