10-25-2003, 10:46 PM
i rented charlies angels full throttle today.
worst fuckin movie i have ever seen in my life
the plot was sooo stupid, a four year old could've thought of it.
the entire movie was just about action, and the kind of stunts they did were such bullshit (i.e. flying off a bridge in a truck, then taking a helicopter out of the truck, then jumping into the helicopter, and CATCHING 2 girls on the wings of it with ROTATING propellars. they're should've been chopped hot chick all over the floor
and thats just one stupid ass scene. the entire movie was full of them. like a guy turning in mid air and shooting people, and the bike explodes and cameron flys off it and lands of another bike.
this movie ruined my night. ima go smoke a blunt and play with my power wheels... oOo: