Thread: better team
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Default 10-26-2003, 03:39 AM

Perhaps a minor intervention is nessecary.

Date and Time I wont even go there.......LOL
Fragged , It would appear that this is your call. Whats good for you?

But I do have a sugestion on the Gaming style and play.

Bolt action rifles , The standard issue bolt ( No M1 )
This would be the Mauser and the Enfield.
** I find that one who is used to Run & Gun Style play must be very skilled to use these weapons well. **

Choose a standard SMALL map from MOHAA , Large maps or Spearhead maps would make the scores lower.
For instance Destroyed Village or Southern France. We have all played these maps Thousands of times and would provide a level playing field.

Half an hour / 30 mins. One map only , Most kills takes the Victory.

Thats it , No cheats ( which the server will provide ) And your done.

I will take a multitude of screenshots and post an extensive coverage of the battle here.

Slaggg ,

I use Yahoo , IM is trczenmaster
E-Mail is
should you need to contact me. I use cable so I should not cause any lag.

I am looking forward to this match , If you two are as good as you say you are then this is gonna be a great match.
Two men enter .......One man Leave.