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Big pandora problem...
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Default Big pandora problem... - 10-26-2003, 12:12 PM

Alright, today I have just started to have this problem. As soon as pandora is done its thing, and MoHAA loads and the map loads I get to see about 2 seconds of MoHAA game play then it just freezes up and I have to ctrl+alt+delete to get out of it. I have re-installed MoHAA 2 times, and yes I have applied the 1.11 patch. Everything has been working fine except for today. I didn't really do anything new to my computer, cept for the fact that I split water on my keyboard earlier but I got another one, so I don't see how that could effect it. I really need help, because I need to get pandora fixed so ANY help at all is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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