10-26-2003, 01:50 PM
I play woods ball solely. I could never get into speed ball, mostly becaue i hate spending $70 - $100 on good paint. I own a spyder Xtra with a dye 14" boomstick, and an ArmoTech WG65-M4, running on remote to a 4500 psi 68 CI tank. With a 42mm BSA red-dot scope mounted anything within 100 - 150 ft is easily sighted and hit single shot. Havnt played ina while, because of money problems and so forth. Come spring though im gonna kick the living shit out of my friends.
We dont use fields. We get all our gear squared away perhaps stopping at a nearby field to gas up and grab some rounds. Then we drive up the road a long ways and find a spot in the woods. Set a tactical goal and send one team into the woods. Other teams starts a set amount of time later, and we have at it. Some LONG, intense games that were the best of my life. I really cant wait for spring, but until then my hockey will have to keep me occupied.
I want to get into airsoft since the up a running cost is lower than paintball. IE BB's are $10 where as paint is $70 - 100 depending on type. Plus air refills, where as an AEG airsoft requires a rechargable battery.
Some pics. [url:383b9]http://meatpopsickle.tripod.com/armo.htm[/url:383b9]