Thread: Soul Slayer
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Sample of my modz
Soul Slayer is Offline
Posts: 40
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: West Coast, USA
Default Sample of my modz - 10-29-2003, 10:43 AM

Yeah, I run a dedicated Spearhead server which is alwayz running my latest map and weapon modz. Also, I made a website for my clan too, the ToXic clan ( I was formerly known as Krunch...) the website has my mods available for downloads on the left hand side of the page as well as 13 custom maps that i've found to be the best ever, I run these on my server as well, you can vote for them in the custom voting options i've created. A good example of my skill would be the TOXIC COVERT ASSASIN skin that I've made for my clan, I believe it is available on the website as well for download, if not you can find it on at the bottom of the main page under "File Updates", or u can click the following link, it will take u directly to the files page [url:2a810][/url:2a810]


Soul Slayer
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