01-28-2002, 01:27 AM
well SOME people might have known it would not be in.
BUT WHY NOT??? Seems easy enough to do.
The only other shooter experience I have was the Castle Wolfenstein MP demo that I played and that then got me to learn about MOHAA.
In RTCW MP if you kneel down, your damage from explosions is less than when you stand up. Crude, but at least represents an attempt to get under cover. Kneeling in MOH does not seem to help at all.
That is too bad. There were lots of little details in RTCW that the MOH people might gain from. Just like they might gain a lot by listening to the suggestions of the people who spend so much time playing and chatting and posting about MOHAA.
Never did understand how people refuse to look at the positive aspects of their competition and then USE it. Does not matter if it is guitar makers, auto makers or video game makers, it is like if Cossacks did it than Ages of Empires can't put it in THEIR game or they will look like copy cats instead of the originators of the idea. SO WHAT! Who cares who came up with that kind of game first?? Why not just make the best game possible?
In otherwords, I hope MOHAA developers will pay attention to what people are saying about it when it comes to the details (like no PRONE position or a sniper scope that is just and unfair zoom view rather than something that moves erratically when you adjust your postion) and how it compares to other games and use those suggestions in their future releases.
So that by the time they get around to the Iwo Jima maps it is the best and hardest shooter game ever, with the best AI, and when you LAY DOWN PRONE the Japanese MG misses you and gets the guy kneeling behind you!
[This message has been edited by LordLovat (edited January 28, 2002).]