Skin Problems -
10-29-2003, 10:39 PM
I've been working on a skin and have finished all the modifications I wanted. But I am unable to view my skin in Mohaa. I've been using WolfMan's guide and it has worked well. I suspect that teh problem lies with my .tik files or the shader. Any assistance will be welcomed.
Shader file:
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/allied_hpl_coat.tga
map textures/models/human/allied_hpl_coat.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/allied_hpl_pants.tga
map textures/models/human/allied_hpl_pants.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/allied_hpl_hands.tga
map textures/models/human/allied_hpl_hands.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/allied_hpl_hemlet.sdk
map textures/models/human/allied_hpl_helmet.sdk
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/allied_hpl_pants.tga
map textures/models/human/allied_hpl_pants.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
.tik file:
path models/human/allied_army_soldier // Set path to set skelmodel from
skelmodel usarmy.skd // Set body model
surface ranger_pants shader allied_hpl_pants
surface us_top shader allied_hpl_coat
surface armband shader allied_hpl_coat
surface us_top_c shader allied_hpl_coat
// $include models/human/heads/us_young_heads.tik
path models/human/heads
skelmodel head4.skd
surface head shader allied_hpl_face
path models/human/hands
skelmodel hand.skd
surface hand shader allied_hpl_hands
path models/equipment/USGear/helmets
skelmodel us_helmet.skd
surface us_helmet shader allied_hpl_helmet
// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout
// Cache sounds here
voicetype ranger // set the voicetype to use for multiplayer instant messaging
// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include.txt
// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end