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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 10-31-2003, 04:53 PM

This movie is going to be terrible, and will forever ruin the franchise.

Don;t be blinded because you finally are getting an AvP movie, just look at the facts...

This post by a member at another forum, but it pretty much sums it up. Mr. Beaks, of fame, has reviewed the script and says it is terrible. They refuse to acknowledge any of the previous storylines, and I just know, judging by the decisions Fox has made lately, that this movie is going to be even worse the Resurrection. Oh, and the didn't even ask Stan Winston to be a part of it, even though he wanted to work on the film.

Here is the post

I am really starting to worry that perhaps the Fox Corporate offices have been built atop a toxic land fill of some sort, or there is a progressing gas leak in their offices. Something is causing a slow progressing deterioration of their mental functions.

We are all aware of the dumb things they have done to their TV division. From ruining Dark Angel, to The Family Guy, to Futurama, etc etc. I think it started back towards the end of Married With Children. I am convinced they will find a way to ruin 24, assuming it doesn't ruin itself this season. Maybe they can put it on in the morning after I Love Lucy and before Divorce Court.

But now, the stupidity has begun spreading over to their film division.

Lets take Alien Vs Predator for example. This movie is being written directed by Paul Anderson, of Resident Evil, Soldier, Event Horizon, and Mortal Kombat fame (read infamy).

Now, what makes me worry about Fox's sanity is the fact that James Cameron and Ridly Scott were discussing making a new Alien film, TOGETHER. Their one stipulation was that a Alien Vs Predator film not occur before they made their film. Fox choose to ignore them, and give Anderson's AvP film the go ahead.

Now, perhaps he had a great idea, or a great script? Well, we could hope. But based upon what I've been reading, it's just plain awful. It's set in Antarctica for god sakes. Setting a movie in Antarctica is like a subconscious cry for help. It also uses no people from either film franchise, and pretty much ignores the story of any previous alien or predator film or book ever made. It's basically Fox handing Anderson the name Alien, and the name Predator, and saying "have fun completely ending any hope of reviving either of these film franchises!".

And to top things off, they didn't even ASK Stan Winston if he wanted to work on this AvP film. He wanted too, and they didn't even offer.

I mean, what is the thought process that goes behind picking "Paul Anderson, never had a hit film" over "James Cameron, Ridly Scott, Stan Winston, few billion dollars earned"?

Fox being ran by monkeys in suits.
Fox ruins all decent TV shows.
Fox choose Paul Anderson AvP abomination over Cameron / Scott Alien film.
I'm sick as a dog and writing this thread because I'm bored and dying.
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