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I told you guys I was gonna be a nazi for halloween.
Neo Nazi Hitler is Offline
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Default I told you guys I was gonna be a nazi for halloween. - 10-31-2003, 04:59 PM

Hey, I dressed up as a german soldier for halloween. And I took some pictures. In a few I compared it with a game. No. I am not a nazi, for the last goddamn'd time.

You wouldn't believe how many people are nazis if you wear a nazi uniform. I wore it to school right... It was fucking awesome. You have no clue who's a nazi until you wear a uniform.. I even had 2 people ask me to sign Mein Kampf. My friends always tell me I look like hitler when I part my hair in the right way.. Anyway.. Here we go. There is a swastica under the eagle on my right breast. But you can't see it. This digital camera was top of the line when it was bought. About 1.2 megapixels I think. Anyway.. Here are the pics. . That is a real 1891 mauser in the picture. Used in WW1 I believe.







Yes I am jumping. Lol.

If you dont' have anything nice to say. Don't fucking say it. TY
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