01-30-2002, 11:46 AM
Here are the facts.
1. God Joey is some teeny bopper living off his parents.
2. He is pretentious (he doesn't know what this means and should look it up).
3. His idea of an insult is calling someone a "fag" which shows how juvenile and unsophisticated he is.
4. He has doctored screenshots by adding extra digits to his score to show how "l33t" he is as documented in my previous post.
5. He needs attention and needs to feel he's good at something. He needs self esteem and he gets it from thinking he is a "l33t" mohaa player.
6. He deserves our pitty and our scorn which seems a contradiction but is possible.
7. No one can take him seriously after the screenshot editing incident.
8. You would have to be a fool to know his past cheating attempts and play on his server.
9. His website helps demonstrate all of the above points.
10. (I like even numbers rofl).
[This message has been edited by Overon (edited January 30, 2002).]