11-01-2003, 09:02 PM
Went to a friend of a friend's house where his parents bought the house just to tear it down and put up a new one on the lot. The house has no furnature, but was packed with probably 200-300 people. I went with a bunch of friends as Russian Gymnasts. It was great. I got to use my Russian accent. I used the alias Vladimir and I told everyone I was from Novosirbirsk and that I came to canada to train for the 2006 olympics because there are no faciities where I come from. I was talking to this guy and he totally bought it. But we were both wasted out of our tree. I went around with him and he introduced me to a ton of chicks. It was a good time. Then my buddy got into a fight, it was one on one but then the other guys friends jumped in so we all had to jump in. It didn't last very long. The other guy backed down right away. it was pretty funny. Cops came at about 1:30am in full force. There were about 8-10 cars whcich surrounded the house. Too bad since I was having a good time. Aparently it wa the guy who threw he party who phoned the cops. What a bitch. anyway, then I came home and I couldn't go to sleep because the room was spinning too much so I went downstairs and watched embrace of the vampire with allisa milano. I jacked off to that since she gets naked, let me tell you, it was tough getting it up. Stayed up till 5am then went to bed with the TV on, lights on, glasses on and remote in my hand. Woke up at 7am turned all the shit off and went back to bed until 2pm, got up and tried to get rid of my hangover.