Thread: Halloween
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Tripper is Offline
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 11-01-2003, 10:15 PM

I went over to a mates house to drink, about 10 of us at first. Just drinking games until we could find a party to go to. So we rang around and eventually found my mates big brothers mate was having a huge party. Got there at like 11:00pm, everyone there was drunk as shit, dancing around liek crazy.
We were the youngest people there too....And we're all 18.
Polished off 18 Heinekens by 1am, having started at 9pm. Horsed as shit.
3 police squad cars drove in at different times to tell us that the neighbours were complaining about the noise. They drive off and leave us be. So we go into the fridge, in the kitchen of the house we're at, grab 2 bottles of milk and some old water bombs off this guy's little brother - fill them with milk till we had about 10 milk-bombs. Then we all lofted them over at the neighbour who supposedly complained.

4am, I spew my guts out over the front lawn, my mates pack me in zee car and we drive off so they can smoke some drugs. Meanwhile I'm feeling like shit, sitting bitch, squashed in the middle of the back seat feeling like I'm gonna spew up hell and heaven. Blowing smoke in my face and shit. Yucky fucky feeling.
I got home and as soon as I dropped onto my bed, I fell asleep.

Woke up with sore muscles, headache and a sickly taste in my mouth.

How grand.
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