Thread: Halloween
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RaNgeR is Offline
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Default 11-02-2003, 12:28 PM

Mr. Levinstein...i just tried to word that in a funny way.....Im 16 so there isnt a ton i could do, i was invited to go to a few parties but i went to one. It was ok, only 30-40 people there. It was still fun though. In August, in my old neighborhood, (I just moved) there was one killer party. It was completely insane! There were 250-400 people at this one kids house and there was so much beer all over the place it seeped through the floor and there was almost 2 inches on his basement floor! Also, the kid hired 3-4 bouncers right out of jail and they smashed some kids throat with a bottle.....I dont think the cops liked that one at all. It was the best time. And i get to visit my cousin this spring at Providence (PC) College. I bet there is gonna be alot of cool parties there too. And my name is RANGER!!!
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