11-02-2003, 06:48 PM
ok so is it in pak0? I found the steilhandgranate_base.txt in pak0
But there are two of them. Is this the right file? Which one of the two do i edit? er what do i edit? cry:
here is part of it
classname Projectile
anim idle
setsize "-2 -2 -2" "2 2 2"
speed 700
minspeed 300
life 4.0
dmlife 3.0
hitdamage 10
health 50
meansofdeath grenade
// impactmarkshader blastmark
// impactmarkradius 50
// impactmarkorientation random
explosionmodel models/fx/M2FGrenadeExplosion.tik
bouncesound grenade_bounce_soft
bouncesound_metal grenade_bounce_metal
bouncesound_hard grenade_bounce_hard
bouncesound_water grenade_bounce_water
// notouchdamage
smashthroughglass 64
gravity 0.8
avelocity random 90 random 90 60
cache blastmark.spr
cache models/fx/M2FGrenadeExplosion.tik
So assuming this is the file? oOo: what do i edit?