Hi everyone..just want to help people out and let them know how to disable the intros for MOH..I LOVE this game, but those damn intros are frustrating

..anyways this is how to do it..it is dead easy..I use All Seeing Eye..(which is way better than Gamespy)..regardless..if you are like me, then you have a shortcut to MOH on your desktop, as well as a shortcut to ASE on your desktop, (or Gamespy Arcade)..
copy the following line from here:
+set cl_playintro 0
now, right click your shortcuts, click properties...you should see three tabs up top, called General, Shortcut, and Compatibility (I am using XP BTW)..anyways, click the chortcut tab, in the Target command line you should see the following:
at the end of this, skip one space and add the line above that you copied from here, hit apply and voila, your new command line should look like this:
"C:Program FilesEA GAMESMOHAAMOHAA.exe" +set cl_playintro 0
That is assuming you have MOH installed on c drive..
Now for ASE...go to options...you should have some installed games there..paste the same command line in there too..and it will start up without intros..finally, no more waiting for intros to load up and losing your spot..
there you go guys..
Happy Fragging...*THIS GAME ROCKS*
**B-A**VaL VeNiS(Can.)
[This message has been edited by VeNiS (edited January 28, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by VeNiS (edited January 28, 2002).]