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Copper {555} is Offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Default 11-03-2003, 04:11 AM

Also, i am new to this forum. These 2 ladies, Panda (sounds masculine) and Doom (oh....frightfull) came into our server, and talked trash right away, after we told them our rules. For whatever these 2 little fellas want to say, they were in our server...not theirs....wait..they dont have one.
Our server is now a BT server, changed over from spearhead, and still needs setting up (debating going to CoD), but is still there for free use, and these 2 act like idiots. Now i come here and read the jokes they post. Am only posting this to show anyone who cares what these 2 are all about.
They further mentioned how we are a disgrace to the community, but i read how they post about a disgrace.
Obviously, they are little kids talking tough on the internet...go figure.