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11-03-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by ninty9
Butters, theres this thing called life. We all go through it. And you know what, that shit happens to everyone in one way or another. And really, I don't think your off too bad. My dog died as well last year. She was only 7. Thats pretty young for a dog, but you know what, you have to move on. Its a dog. There are more important things.
If you want a job where your respected, get an education, then look for a job that requires a college education. Pretty simple. they won't fire those people because it is harder to come by someone with an education. They'll have a tougher time getting rid of you right? Anyone can do a minimum wage job, so when you take time off, they don't see a problem in letting you go because they know they can hire some other guy exactly th same as you who will work those hours, right?
Who the fuck cares about a clan? Did you even know these guys? Like personally? I doubt it. and your upset about a group of people over the internet breaking up? Boo fucking hoo. Give me a break and Get a life. That is retarded.
Family problems I'm not going to get into because its none of my business. I am lucky enough to live in a good family. If your family has problems, thats too bad and i'm not going to judge you. But that is a reason why you should be pissed off, not because your clan broke up.
listen to this man