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Default 11-03-2003, 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by ninty9
Let me ask you Toronto fans a question.

Why do you only get a season high 21,029 people out for a playoff game? Thats pathetic. You call yourselves fans?

Look at Montreal, you bitter rival. They sold out the big O. 59,000 people. Look at Edmonton, i'm sure there will be close to 50,000 for their divisional final against Saskatchewan. Look at the lsat Saskatchewan home game. 40,000 people turned out in a city that has 198,000 people living in it. Thats nuts. And you Torontonians call yourselves such great sportsfans, you can't even fill a stadium in the playoffs in a city of like 5 million people. happy:

I'm half messing with you guys, but seriously, why does no one go to the games? If they did, you might even have a better team and win the Grey cup.
Skydome seats are uncomfortable biggrin: + Leafs = Argo's not gettig any love.
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