Thread: CoD letdown?
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Default 11-04-2003, 01:43 AM

CoD is good for many resons.

-I get a higher FPS than MoH
-Bigger Maps
-More Maps
-Very well layed out Single Player (play it on hardend to get the full feel)
-Neat perspective of US, British, and Soviets
-Nice sniper system
-No more run and gunning
-Headshots actually kill in one hit
-Iron Sights
-Great Netcode (some servers i have a ping of 100+ but don't see much of a diffrence
-Neat MP modes (Behind Enemy Lines, Seek and Destroy ... )
-Record Demos
-Great sound fx

A few i don't like:
-Nades need more damage
-Few player models
-No PunkBuster

The pros definatly outway the cons. Its just a different game than what your used to, it will probably takes some time before many of you like it.
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