Thread: cod vs moh
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[UU]Timdog is Offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Default 11-04-2003, 04:40 PM

I think CoD is better than MOHAA. MOHAA was great for its time, but it's time to move on. I really like what the COD team has done with the Q3 engine. And where do any of you get the idea that COD has bad graphics? Just look at the water in the British mission on the German battleship. That is the best looking water I have seen in a game so far. I also like how the weapons seem more balanced than in MOHAA. Some people are starting to say that the sniper rifles are becoming the overused weapon. There is always going to be an overused weapon though. Unless you run rifles only or snipers only. Plus, COD is getting much better support. I have seen some of the devs posting on forums like TMT. One of them said they will add Punkbuster anticheat and any other anticheat programs as they are needed.
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