01-28-2002, 06:19 AM
By now maybe a few of you have seen my thread, my worst freakin nightmare. About how the game loads up to a gray screen then an error message comes up that says: mohaa has caused error <unknown> and I have to close it everytime. The game has worked once, the day I got it, after I shut down a few programs in ctr-alt-dlt. After I restarted the computer, the game continued not to work agian. Now, nearly a week later, i feel as if i've tried everything and it still does not work. Words cannot express my frustruation, anger, and sadness. I'm on the verge of tears. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time, this is like a mallet to the stomach. I continue to have hope, knowing that it worked that one time, i know at least, that the game works. But i'm running low on options and I need help. So I must ask a few questions. First of all, is there anyone out there with the same problem? Is there anyone who has Windows ME and a geforce MX 32mb video card? If so, does the game run fine? Does it run at all? Is there anyone who had similiar problems and solved them? if so, how? Please, i'm as depressed as hell, i need help.