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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 11-05-2003, 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by "Bean 2":05a71
A street fight is nothing like a professional fight. Like GT said its all about throwing as many punches as u possibly can and just going crazy. Be agressive and ull probably win even if the guy is bigger then you.
That wasn't even a street fight. That was two pussies swinging at air.

A real street fight will last genrally around 5 good connections to the head, before someone goes down.

The way to win is to get the first solid punch - has to be in the face too. Once they're dazed you can continue laying in, and easily win.[/quote:05a71]

Actually a punch to the head first wont gurantee a win. Ive been punched in the face a few times first and still ended up winning the fight. The trick is to relentlessly beat the shit out of the other guys face. Yes it does help if u get the first punch but just dont let down after that. If u started it dont finish until its done.
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