Thread: Hunt 2
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Hunt 2
-=[BAD]=-dodgerman is Offline
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Default Hunt 2 - 11-09-2003, 06:35 AM

If your like me and was looking foreward to playing this then I'm sorry to say this, forget it. Bigboy, if you have to decompile the Hunt and use the buildings from the original Hunt, the first thing you should have done was fix the buildings before releasing a map. ALL the brushes are linking into each other and looks very bad. I get very bad fps on the allies spawn down to a nasty red 10 because of the trees you made yourself that look unreal. there are holes in the map in quit a few places. the flakk88 is stuck through the ground so the bomb is right on the floor. what happened to that!. The whole map feels nothing like the Hunt and it's an insault to say it is. Very dark in places so you can't see anything. I dont normal post about maps but I thought someone had made the lovely Hunt better, just very dissapointed this was not thought through or tested before release.
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