01-29-2002, 05:49 AM
Ok, I'm gonna post this at every forum I can, cuz after 2 days of screwing with this quake3 engine based game, I have finally found the cause to unusually low performance! This may sound odd, but I've narrowed it down to a single option, that does'nt seem as obvious as it should! So to make this post short, and to the point, turn off the COMPLEX SHADOWS option, or leave it on simple! I went from 30 FPS to 75 FPS, and all the slowdowns that had occured during fights, are now completely GONE! I post this mainly cuz I use a highend machine, and I also run other quake3 based games flawlessly, except for MOHAA! I left everything else on max, or as high as it can go, and a res of 1024x768! It worked for me, and I think It'll work for everyone else, cuz every post I read says, "I put everything on max", and that includes the shadows. If you were to put the shadows on complex in another quake3 based game such as Alice or STV Elite Force, you will get very strange looking shadows, AND poor performance! So, give it a try, and I'll see you on the servers!