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Default 11-12-2003, 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
I love the liberal ideologies.
WE hate Bush and wars
BUT, we support the troops.

All of them are idiots.
so are you saying we should love that idiot in the White House???

I generally like wars (if its a good cause) and I definetly support the veterans, but I hate the Shrub. Anyone who can't pronounce "nuclear weapons" shouldn't be talking about them, what a b00n! does that make me an idiot in your eyes? if you then you are a sad, sad man. You do know that John Asscroft is more of a threat to our rights than that bloody raghead we can't seem to catch.

PS. whoever defaced the monument should be shot, hung, and reshot (just to make sure they're out of the gene pool)
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