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Location: PA
Default 11-12-2003, 12:45 PM

a preist is doing confecion and he realy needs to go the bathroom.
he sees the janitor walking buy, so he stops and says" i realy need to go to the bathroom i need you to cover for me."
the jaintor says "ok but i wouldn't know what to tell people"
the preist says "thats ok heres a list of very sin that can be commited and what you should tell them"
the jantors like ok and covers for the prist. a few minutes later a young girl walks in and says "father i've had oral sex with 20 men what should i do?"
the janitor looks on the list and dosnt find oral sex
as hes wondering what to say a alter boy walks by so he pulls over the alter boy and asks" what dose father normaly give for oral sex?'
and the alter boy says" a pice of gum and some candy."
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