11-12-2003, 11:18 PM
While riding the bus a man notices a very attractive nun a few seats ahead. He then comes up with a brilliant plan to sleep with her.
He walks up to the nun and says excuse me miss.. I couldnt help but notice you are a very attractive lady of the cloth and I was wondering if you could help me. You see i am just coming home from the doctors who informed me I only have one week to live. My one last request is to make love to a beautiful women like yourself. I know your a nun and are not allowed but please find compassion in my plea.
"I understand your plight my son" she replies in a soft sensual tone.
"Therfore i shall grant you your request get off at the next stop with me"
They get off on the next stop and go to a hotel room and make sweet love and passionate monkey sex. after several hours they walk down to leave.
as they part and walk the opposite ways. the man feels tremendous guilt for what he has done and turns around and runs back to the nun
Mother! I am sorry for what ive just done...I lied to you, I am not dying..I am going to hell for this I know I am sorry I just need to tell you the truth
"Its ok my son since you told me the truth I will tell you the truth as well"
"My names bob and im going to a masquerade party"
lol all that for that crappy punch line..its much better but i cant remember all of it