11-13-2003, 01:09 PM
NOW who ever says that the US education system is well off would be right if they lived in 1955 with there standers but has anyone looked at the Pihily school system. they had to open the schools to be runed by corperations because they didn't have and couldn't get the money to run them. the US school system is under funded by alot. On avarge school text books are 3 or more years old becuse schools can not aford to get new ones. Most schools do not have uptodate computers and the ones that do can barly afford to teach the staff how to use them. IN THE WHOLE US TEACHERS ARE ONE OF THE WORST PAYING JOBS. Because the govenment blames the teachers ununs for poor education qualyity and the teachers cant teach very well with out of date books and bulidings that are falling apart and you can not expect kids to learn if they need to watch the to see if the celling is falling down. The US education system good HA!!!! a good one would be germany or japan they found there schools more then the US dose right of the bat