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General of the Army
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 11-13-2003, 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by Hogman74
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Hogman74
Too many blanket statements to reply to at this time.
Yes our public educational system could use some work.
Some areas have excellent school districts and others are
very subpar. Economics does play a role in this. It also has to
do with living in a democratic country with federal ,state, and county
governments playing a role in the system. It would be almost impossible
to completely standardize the educational system in a country this large
with so many different levels of government involved. Some of it
comes down to personal responsibility. We have too many people in
this country who leech off the system and contribute nothing.
Why does almost every thread of this nature end up with
"lets bash America or it's president". I get sick of hearing it. For the US
citizens, if you don't like the US, get the fuck out or at least vote, get a
job , and contibute something. For the non- Americans, it's pretty
easy to sit on the sidelines and criticize the USA for everything. Yes, the
US has it's problems just like every other country does. Our problems
are just more visible because we are a major world power. Regardless
of how you feel about the USA, it is our economy that paces the economy
of almost all of the developed nations in the world. If the US went back to a policy of isolationalism as in the earlier part of the 20th century, most
countries (even Canada) would go into a depression that would be crippling.
Rant over... just sick of the US bashing
No one was "bashing" the U.S.....Someone said that Bush was the best president ever, and criticised everyone else for criticising him - When he asked for evidence for why people disliked Bush, the education system was mentioned - and it progressed from there.

I'm sure most of us stressed how much we DIDN'T Dis-like the United States (I know both Ferich and I did).....You need to take on of those pills.....I think it's call a 'CHILL' Pill, and stop putting words in our mouths.
Tripper, I wasn't directly calling you out and I did take note of what you said. Not trying to put words in yoyr mouths.This rant wasn't just for this thread. Too many threads do end up bashing the USA, the president(sometimes deservingly), or its policies(also sometimes deservingly).
A simple search would prove that. Most of the time, if a political topic comes up or is brought up in a thread offtopic, it ends up as OMG Bush sucks or something negative about the US. That was my point. I'm not worked up about it, no need for a "chill pill". Just firing back at some of the same bullshit I read everyday. Many times it's the US citizens saying it. This thread started out about defacing a monument and it degrades to people saying America sucks. I have the right to fire back. I don't need to put words
in your mouth, you can obviously think for yourself. NO I wasn't attacking you or what you said, just an anti American sentiment that pops up from time to time. cool:
I think most of the Anti-American sentiment comes from people like myself, who are sick of little sons of bitches who decide that their country is automatically BETTER than other nations, and they tend to look down their little immature noses upon smaller countries like mine.

That kind of attitude makes me sick, and I think you'll find that is where most of the Anti-American sentiment develops.....

I totally agree with what you're saying about the defacing of War memorial monuments. Absolutely disgusting.

Infact, I think EVERYONE on these forums would agree with you.
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