11-14-2003, 02:18 AM
You've got to be kidding me. None of you regular aa.com'ers even came close to matching wits with Flagg, Minor Threat, and the Ladies from Hell. All of you showed just how juvenile you really are. The only people you can really flame are each other. That goes for you too Redhawk_Six. Go ahead and drop a dime about the 'Criminology' class you are taking, but what are you majoring in? Or have you yet to declare? Little kids playing like they're grown-ups, and when confronted, show just how young they are.
Oh, and Tripper, you made yourself out to be the dumbest piece of shit of them all.
Edit: And you've got to love how at least one of em is asking where they're 'savior' is, so they can go crying to him, "Innoxx, the big bad people are making fun of me!!"