01-30-2002, 04:03 AM
I suggest some people grow a brain here, and get over it.
War isn't nice, to no one, and today there's a new generation of Japanese People. Leaders in High Tech...much of the stuff you daily use comes from there. Stop the rasistic remarks.
Ah, and about the A-Bombs...there's a good evidence that Pr. Rosevelt had info that the Japanese Empire wanted to surrender BEFORE the drop, but he had to bring his point across to the russians. Many people belive that even without A-Bombs, there would have been no ground war on the main island...but the IJA would have surrendered.
I know this forum is frequented by a hellish lot of 12 year-olds, and I guess you can still learn something. I just hope you dont stick at the level of Global Education you have now.