01-30-2002, 06:14 AM
firstly I aint a fan of america. I actually think they suck in many many ways.
Saying that dropping A Bomb on japan was Morally wrong, is idiotic. And comparing it to the systematic killing/rapping/tourtureing of civilians is even more idiotic.
There is a slight difference between :
A) dropping a bomb on a city to win a war that could go on for a few more years.
B) Going around killing/tourturing/raping civilians.
Anyone who say's it was morrally wrong. All I hear is wingeing and crying. I dont here any alternatives? what would you of done instead....?
and as for the originator of the thread.
How old are you 15..16. Your parents probably werent even born during the war, what reason do you have to hate japs? It was quite a while ago now.
And while your on that, what about the american indians? Taste of your own medicine?
If everyone keeps looking at the past we wont have a future. Maybe eveyrone should be looking at working out the problems now rather then haveing a sook about what's already happend. make sure it doesnt happen again.
For people who were in the war, or born during it I completely understand why they would hate japs, and have absolutely no problem with it.
But for everyone else, I think, its a bit much to say you hate them. There is no legitemate reason.
[This message has been edited by dazzlarr (edited January 30, 2002).]