01-30-2002, 12:20 AM
I'm american, so if I sound like I'm preaching here, excuse it.
But I believe that Truman's decision to drop the bombs was the right one. He MAY or MAY NOT have saved hundreds or thousands of lives, but we'll never know. Saying that he knew about a POSSIBLE surrender is completely pointless. The only purpose it serves is to say "America sucks. They bombed Japan when they didn't need to, and they stick their nose where it doesn't belong."
To be honest, this type of opinion is far too common. Hell, even AMERICANS say this kind of crap, because they are quite simply uneducated on the matter. The truth is that when another country needs our help, and we don't provide it, the world gets in an uproar. "Why isn't this major superpower helping?" But the SECOND our job is finished, they want us out, like we're an invading army. Bin Laden's entire idealogy is based on this. He thinks that Saudi Arabia never needed our help, and that for simply being there and "interfering" with the affairs of the middle-east, we deserve to burn as the infidels we are. Thats the extremist opinion, but the fact remains. You want us when you need us, but when all is well, you want us to get the fuck out, so you can go back to thrashing our policies. Don't be the policeman of the world? Fine. But when that happens, people are gonna bitch and moan until we help out again, and the cycle starts again.
Saying that the Japanese killed more than Germans or the Germans killed more is also pointless. They did it. Thats whats wrong here. Numbers don't matter. When does the killcount get high enough to warrant using a nuclear weapon? Never. A Nuclear weapon was used because it was the only logical solution. I'm not saying we should nuke a country for every problem we can't solve. I'm saying that back in WW2, it was our last option.
Also - I'm all for a Pacific Front game. Wanna know why? Because, it'd be fun, because its a god damn GAME. I don't play MOH:AA SP because I get to kill Nazis. Fuck, the nazis could be aliens, as long as it was fun. Its a game people, not a look into state of the social world.
On a side note.. even if the rumors of Japan surrendering WERE true. Whats to say they wouldn't completely ignore it and strike again?