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Re: Whats your Style?
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Default Re: Whats your Style? - 11-15-2003, 03:27 AM

[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":58edc]I find we discover the most about each other in the Off-Topic area , Our personality types , our likes and dislikes.

Music is often a mood lifter and puts us at ease. Music is a large part of most peoples lives , whether we listen in the car , at home , or at work.

Im interested to see what music we prefer.

As for myself , I listen to a varity of music , mostly dependent on what mood Im in. But no matter the mood Jazz always puts a smile on my face.


Ever varying moods and daily psychological/physiological differences mean
I listen to everything... except country and opera (99% of). I'm very flexible
when it comes to music but I always return to classical (baroque, modern &
romanticism), jazz and rap.
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