01-30-2002, 12:47 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sh3ll_Sh0ck:
Stony your a moron.
Japaneese were worst than the Germans. At least the Wehrmacht didn't activly participte in the Holocaost.
Ironic thing is, durring th Rape of Nanking it was a NAZI who saved the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You don't even know that the contraction of "you are" is spelled Y-O-U-'-R-E and you're calling ME a moron?
Just how much history do you know, little boy? Nobody accused Stalin of war crimes, yet he executed FIVE TIMES as many people as Hitler did during his political purges, his own countrymen as a matter of fact. The Japanses were brutal during their occupation of Chinese Manchuria, and the US nuked 2 Japanese cities, both of which had no strategic importance whatsoever and hundreds of thousands of innocent people died from the blasts and from radiation poisoning thereafter. The list of atrocities goes on and on, with no one nation being more just in their methods than the other. ALL thought at the time that they were doing the right thing.
The winners of wars are NEVER the ones accused of war crimes, only the losers. When (or if) you ever grow up maybe you'll understand that NOBODY is right when EVERYBODY is wrong.