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9mm BeRetTa is Offline
Posts: 1,149
Join Date: Feb 2003
Default 11-15-2003, 08:42 PM

well...i know how to record a demo.

in console type /record and it starts recording a demo witha defualt name (Like ScreenShots 0001.tga) To make sure that you have a demo running, you will see new type appear on your screen, middle left, saying how big the file is.

to stop it type /stoprecord or /recordstop one of the 2 and it stops it.

To go back and view it, go back into CoD and in console type /demo "name"
(when you do this do not add " ".)

I have yet to find out how to fast forward and rewind demos. In addition i would like it if someone could tell me how to convert it to a mpeg. or windows media file.
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