11-16-2003, 02:33 PM
I am not going to buy Pacific Assault or any other MOH related games. I have been burned by EA repeatedly on this series. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I got fooled twice when I bought Breakthrough. We are over a month past release and still no LINUX support. I currently rent server space from a LINUX provider and run a Spearhead server. I was ready to immediatly move to Breakthrough, but of course have been denied the chance. Cheating is rampant and EA offers no help or even the chance at PunkBuster. I would pay for a punkbuster only expansion or even a reasonable monthly fee for PB support. EA never even offered to fix the Stadt ladder bug on LINUX servers. EA's track record shows they don't care and if you think MOH:PA will be different, I believe you will be dissapointed. EA has proven time and again that all they care about is how much money they can remove from your wallet while proving the minimum amount of support possible.
All I want from EA is a way to stop the cheats and fixes for known bugs. Neither has been addressed. Butt sliders still abound in Spearhead. 2.15 may have corrected the issue, but people still running the earlier version can connect to 2.15 servers and still slide all over the place.