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The strange immortal Nazis... anyone know what to do???
Elvismx is Offline
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Default The strange immortal Nazis... anyone know what to do??? - 11-16-2003, 07:16 PM

I am plodding through in single player, and when I get to the level where you steal the blueprints and blow up the STG44 (I think) weapons cache, I have the weirdest phenomenon I've ever seen. As I exfiltrate and leave the tunnels (back out into the snowy courtyard), the last two enemies at the steps outside constantly regenerate. They just reappear when killed, and you can kill them all day long, but they never stay dead. I've tried making a run for it and just getting out of the level, but haven't had any success. Has anyone seen this, and does one of the patches fix this? I've even reinstalled the game and started over, and yep, in the same spot it happens again. Any help would be appreciated, and thanks to the moderators for a place to ask the question.
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