01-29-2002, 01:57 AM
I tend to use the 98k as a defensive weapon more than anything. If I might say so, I think I am pretty good with it.
I look at it like a sniper rifle without the scope. I try to find high up places or places where people cannot see me very well. Or a place with really good cover.
Its not so much a matter of leading your target, as it is knowing when to shoot. Alot of snipers have this problem too. They wait and they wait and they wait, and then when someone finally shows in their scope, they panic and can't take the shot. Relax, and wait for a good shot. Preferably when they stop moving. Everyone does it. They take cover someplace, and if you chose a good spot, you'll have a clean bead on them, scope or no scope.
Position is everything with the 98k, and when you have that position, you can get good with it.
Another trick I've learned is anti-sniping with the 98k. Example: Omaha (because its so sniper riddled it makes me sick sometimes.) Get some good cover, and whip out those binoculars. Find a stationary target (like a water/boat/mortar sniper on the beach) and center the binoculars on him/her. Press '2' and fire right away. 90 percent of the time, you'll hit em. Its what I use on Omaha, and generally pisses the snipers off till they leave.