11-17-2003, 02:03 AM
You know why this is a good film? Because it's independent. I have no problem with saying that almost every single independent/indie movie is good. Why? Because these people don't have a ton of money or fame, but they make films because they have something to say on a topic that is important to them. Everyone involved is there for the film itself, and not the rewards, buecause they don't get recgonized. Just a few like this actually make it bigtime. most are just washed away, which is sad because 99% of them are so much better than the crap hollywood puts out.
I went to 3 films at the Calgary International Film Festival this past September and they were three of the best films i've seen in a long time. They each have a story to tell, and do it better than someone getting paid millions to put out a production.
This particular film didn't come to this years festival here, but it was at Toronto. If a Film Festival comes to your town, grab a few tickets and go to a couple shows. They are all compelling, and breath taking in their own way, much like this one seems.