Thread: about my gal
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Default 11-17-2003, 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper

Why the FUCK, does everyone seem top think that this place 'used to be fun and good,' like it's changed or something.

It hasn't. It's been like this the whole time. You could have NEVER gotten away with posting something fucking stupid such as this thread, and not get flamed.

BTW - Your girl is a bitch-slut-whore, and she licks the cream off my cherry every day. Thanks for not pleasuring her enough, because now she comes to me - SHE'S A FUCKING TRICK-SLUT.

When we're fucking she's always like - "Ooh - My boyfriend dont never fuck like you, you're so gooood, yeeeeah"

Then I'm all like - "Bitch, shut the fuck up, and suck on my totem pole. BIATCH!"
I am at a loss for words.
If this place hasn't changed and this is the reaction one should guys really have your priorities backwards.

I would love this thread to be locked, because i'm sick of it...but when people say things like this i can't just sit on my ass and take it.
Some moderators here. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have even participated in this crap.

I mean it's one thing to say that this is dumb is another to post what Tripper and many others is sick and wrong.

I wonder if you guys have the same amount of balls as you do behind the safety of your computer. I hope you don't say such things in real life because one day you're going to find yourselves beaten down or in jail.
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