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Default 11-17-2003, 06:41 PM

im not that old, but im old enough to know that i love music, and its probably one of the only things that make me happy no matter what, and no im not a goth "oh i hate life kid", but every has their tough times. the 4 bands i like that always lift my spirits are Dream Theater, Metallica, Pat Metheny, and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Dream Theater's music always deals with everyday feelings. Metallica as well, but alittle more powerful. Pat Metheny just enjoys his music and plays music "from the heart." and RHCP is just great, alotta mood lifting songs.

im getting into some rap... RHCP isnt rap at all really, but their vocals could be....but i'll listen to rap that i hear in movies and stuff....

i love techno when its in a video, such as the Hard Clan Counterstrike video, i dont know how many of you have seen it, but they have this techno song in it thats amazing with the content of the video.

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