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h3rb is Offline
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Location: Binghamton, NY
Default 01-29-2002, 05:10 AM

ok. I have searched all through these forums for hints on how to get rcon working properly. And it's not working. None of what has been suggested, that I can find, is working.

I am starting the server with this command line:"C:Program FilesEA GAMESMOHAAMOHAA.exe" +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg

My server.cfg looks as so:
sv_hostname "OFFICIAL STNY MOHAA 1.1"
sv_maplist "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_team4"

ui_teamdamage "0"
ui_timelimit "30"
ui_fraglimit "5"

rconPassword "xxxxx"

set g_minGameClients "1"

set sv_maxclients "32"
set g_inactivity "180"
set g_inactiveKick 300

set sv_allowDownload "0"
set timelimit "30"

set g_gametype 4
set g_gametypestring "Objective Based Match"
map obj/obj_team3

net_noipx 1
net_port 12203

Then in game i try using rcon commands and nothing happens. The console doesn't even tell me that the command fail's. It just prints a clear line. I have setup many quake3 servers and this is nothing like it should be. I have even tried using "+set rconpassword "password" in the command line and it will not work. Any help would be appreciated.

Also. The dedicated I have up now has been packed 32players since I got it up and running. I can not even get on my own server to play because I can not kick a player or set private clients. How is private clients setup in mohaa?

Lastly...when I try to setup a second server, on the same's more then capable of running a second 32 player server, I get crosstalk from both server's to each other. It's like they are both listening/broadcasting on the same port's. Even though I have set both server's on different ports. Is there something I am missing from mohaa's difficult dedicated server setup?!

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

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