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Location: Boston MA
Default 01-29-2002, 06:10 AM


You can check out my thread here, for your config/rcon answers.

Your main problem in what you've posted is the QUOTES on some of the values for you CVAR's, you should ONLY have quotes around STRING values, values that print text (like hostname for example).

whatever your password is:

rconPassword "xxxxx"

remove the "" quotes and it should work. You're on the right track with all of the syntax, except for the quotes. Again, see my thread for detailed info.

also regarding rcon, be sure you are have ui_console 1 in your command line, otherwise you'll simply be using a chat window. There is no confirmation that you have successfully entered the correct password, just a return to a blank line, it'll only tell you if you've entered it incorrectly. After entering your password, try typing RCON STATUS and see if it list the players on your server, if it does, you know it worked.

I also have info on how to automatically log yourself into your server as soon as you launch your MOH client.

Side note:
For these particular cvars that you have in your .CFG:

ui_teamdamage "0"
ui_timelimit "30"
ui_fraglimit "5"

Should read:
teamdamage 0
timelimit 30
fraglimit 5

Drop the ui_ , what the ui_ does is set the default values displayed in the menus when you start a server from the in-game multiplayer room (non command line server).
Then drop the quotes.

Hope this helps and good luck !

Also, if you post a reply, please post it in the thread that I am linking you to above, that way everyone can see what's going on and possibly answer their own questions as well, keeping everything in one place.


[This message has been edited by Bull (edited January 29, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Bull (edited January 29, 2002).]
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